Page name: across the universe [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-04-04 01:13:47
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Across The Universe

Is there anybody going to listen to my story....
[RESTARTED ON 09/20/2010!!!!!!!]

K so this is a wiki based on Across the Universe (my favorite musical ever!!!! i mean come on jim sturgis is cuter then hell xD)
Anyways this RPG takes place in the 60's where there's all sorts of turmoil and sadness and stuff :D
This is basically a love story but with some twists

NEW chat for this wiki to put idea's or whatever --> Across the questions



Name: Jude
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Originally from Liverpool, England; Jude came to the United States to try and find his father. He met a girl and fell in love, he moved to New York illegally to try and stay with her things however quickly spun out of control...he's an amazing artist and wants to find a job drawing somewhere
Any Powers: He can sing randomly xD
Other Info: none yet
<img:> Maxwell's Silver Hammer (xD max is apparently a murderer xD not really but yea google te song :D on another note clearly Max is a slut lookit his pants xD) and Jude with his random strawberries :D
<img:> Jude's new shiba inu puppy Shep, for some reason Shep LOVES John xD like litterally loves him xD

Name: Maxwell (Max) Carrigan
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Max is in his own words: "An unmotivated college dropout" his rich parents sent him to college where he prompltly dropped out, he grew tired of his parents telling him what a disapointment he was and moved to new york with his best friend Jude to try and escape it. He recently recieved and burnt a draft card
Any powers: He can shift to a wolf
Other Info: nope
<img:> woo a good emo pic xD not sure why he always looks so emo o.o he was only emo in like a third of the movie @_@
<img:> slighty better but he looks emo >.<
<img:> fluffy wolf form >:D

Max's puppy Zeus

Name: Lucy Carrigan
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short history: Lucy is Max's little sister, closer to her parents then max. She hates war and is very pro peace her first boyfriend was killed in the war she is a former lover of Jude and is pregnent with his child. She was part of an anti war group but left after discovering they were building bombs
Any Powers: none
Other info: She is very protective of Max
<img:> Lucy & Max

Name: Paul 'Bruce' Dickinson [last one i promise xD]
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual but prefers the ladies
Short History: Bruce has lived in England with his grandparent's his full life however when they both died he found it too depressing to stay there so he moved to New York to start a new life. He's an amazing singer and fencer and dreams of becoming a pilot someday
Any Powers: his cuteness :D and he can shift to a wolf :D
Other info: none

Name: JoJo [k this is my last one xD]
Age: 37
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: JoJo has lived in New York his whole life and loves it, he's the landlord to Jude and Max. He fought in the war and is still traumatized by it but he hides it well and doesn't think it does any good to try and hide from it.
Any Powers: nope
Other info: he's a singer and a guitarist


[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Garnet Lacey
Short History:Garnet grew up in New York her whole life and her family own a huge recording company, while she works in a cafe because she refuses to take money off her parents. She wants to be a fashion designer or a writer.
Any Powers: Can freeze time?
Other Info: The reason she became a lesbian is because her uncle raped her from the age of 13 and she has been put off men ever since then. Oh and she is Rei's best friend, he is the one guy she can stand to be around.

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Summer Van Alen
Short History:She is Garnet's best female friend and ex girlfriend too. Summer gose to NYU, studying art because she wants to be an artist.Summer got preagant at age 16 with her ex boyfriend Colin's baby, her parents where out raged and kicked her out the house, so Summer went to live with her best friend Garnet's house. She gave up her son to her sister, Jenny, because she couldn't get preagant but she told her sister that she would like to be in her son's like, they agreed to it. So Summer acts as Mark's auntie, spending time with him three times a week but at times Summer wants to tell him the truth but she can't because of her sister.
Any Powers:She has the power of a slut XD
other Info:She smokes, drinks and dose drugs

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name: Marcus William Van Alen (Nut he gets called Mark)
Sexuality:Too young :P
Short History: Mark is the son of Summer and Colin. His mother was only 16 when she give birth to him as his father left his mother. His mother gave him up to his auntie Jenny because she couldn't get preagant. So he thinks that Summer is his auntie but really she is his mother but he dosen't know.


Name: Rei Akito
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: is a professional singer and has lived in new york his whole life though lately he's been slipping lately getting into drugs and alcohol
any powers: err he can shape shadows into whatever he wants?
other info: none

Name: Nikolai
Age: 32
Sexuality: gay
Short History: been a drug dealer since he was 16 he doesnt use just sells
Powers: power of persuasion
other info: none
<img:><img500*0:stuff/aj/49600/shibapup.jpg> Nikki's rat crystal and his puppy Dragon :D

Name: Belle McDaniel
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: recently came moved to new york to find her aunt to get away from her abusive father
Powers: she can see into the future
other info:...

Name: Amy Lee Hartzler but she goes by Alex
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: she's moved around a lot she's currently in new york to well she doesnt know yet all she knows is that she wants to help her country and fight for it but since she's a woman they wont allow it so she keeps her hair in a ponytail and pinned under a hat she always wears she does everything she can to make her look like a boy so she can be drafted she has documents and everything that says alex but they're all forged
Powers: none
Other info: is a girl masquerading as a boy


Name: Marcus
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay
Short History: He lived in london for a long time then moved to new york recently.
Any Powers: Can change to a wolf and control and create fire
Other Info: Allergic to chocolate and Silver

Name:John Jameson
History:John was in a gang back in Irland and he saw a lot of folk get killed and he helped with the killing too but one night, the guilt of what he did got to him.So he went to the cops and told them everything, he was only 15 at the time. He went to Juvenile prison until about 6 months ago when he finshed his time in the big house. So now he's in...yeah here in New York.
Personallity:Depressed, sat, hurt, alone, suicidal
Powers: Pyromancer!
Other in hiding...he left his gang, when shit go too hot, confessed yadda yadda, but nayway, he knows how to build bombs and shit :D


extra wiki's

Across The Universe deleted scenes for all yer sex perv's xD new one's will also be here

Across The Universe Full Movie for those of you who wish to watch teh movie :D

Across The Universe The Songs admit it you want to see Jim Sturgis singing xD

Across the Questions for question's and ideas :D

Username (or number or email):


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2010-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei laid in the bed staring at the ceiling

2010-08-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled softly."Well women fuck by licking each other out, fingers, ummm....fisting."

garnet watched tv

2010-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei bit his lip trying to fall asleep

2010-08-12 [wolvie]: Max, "oh whats fisting?" he looks confused

2010-08-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Oh well it's when your push your hand into ummm...errr a womans Vajayjay. I mean you can push almost your whole arm in, well maybe just up to your elbow but thats about it."

2010-08-12 [wolvie]: Max, "That doesn't sound fun at all"

2010-08-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled."Oh believe me it's very fun." She took a drag of her cig

2010-08-12 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "I'll take your word on it"

Jude is sitting outside of 3is apartment drawing and looking bored

2010-08-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled as she blew out the smoke

2010-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai hummed walking by Jude

2010-08-12 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "So does it 3urt?"

2010-08-12 [wolvie]: Jude, "3ey you stop for a min" 3e says to Nikolai

2010-08-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: "At first yes but if you mix up the pain signals then it's fine. And you have a mind blowing oragsm."

2010-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai stops turning to face Jude "yes?"

2010-08-12 [wolvie]: Max tilts 3is 3ead, "pain signals? ga3 i must sound stupid i 3ate being a virgin"

Jude, "Stay like t3at" 3e says turning to 3is sketc3book trying to draw Nikolai

2010-08-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."I think it's cute."

2010-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "alright?"

2010-08-12 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Well least someone does"

Jude, "Sorry I'm trying to practice me drawing"

2010-08-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled softly.

2010-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "well thats ok"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "See t3ere you go makin fun of me again"

Jude s3akes 3is 3ead, tearing t3e paper off and crumbling it up, "Damn I can't draw wort3 s3it lately"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "Im sure you're great let me see"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude reluctently s3ows 3im t3e drawing

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "its amazing but maybe im not your inspiration to draw better"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude, "It's not t3at good but t3ank you anyway"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "it is you're an amazing artist"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "Well t3anks mate but you don't 3ave to lie"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "Im not lying"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back and stretc3es, "t3anks t3en"

Lucy walks over, "Nikolai is t3at you?" s3e asks and smiles, s3e 3ad gotten drugs from 3im years ago

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded then turned to Lucy smiling "lucy darling hello so nice to see you again"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Lucy smiles back t3en 3ugs 3im tig3tly, "O3 Nikolai I've missed you"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai hugs back "what did you miss?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Lucy smiles, "I missed you silly you're a fun guy to 3ang out wit3 but I also miss t3e pot and t3e crack" s3e giggles

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled chuckling "lucky you i happen to have some on me"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Lucy smiles back, "Yea? Well sadly I can't 3ave any t3oug3"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "why's that?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Lucy looks over at Jude, "I got a bun in t3e oven"

Jude looks surprised, "W3at?"

Lucy nods, "Yea3 and its yours jude"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "how far along are you?"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: [Ummm so whats happened in this sp far??]

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: [not alot just kinda nonsense as usual xD]

Lucy, "Just a mont3" s3e smiles

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [err not much XD nikolai has been sellin drugs to pretty much everyone xD]

Nikolai smiled "damn 8 months til ya can party again"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: [xD nice ummm now I need away ta jump in.]

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woo XD]

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: [be epic and random :D]

Lucy smiles back giggling, "yea maybe I t3ink I'm gonna try and stay off of t3em t3oug3 no offence"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "well fine then ya wanna party jude?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "Sure w3y not?"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: [xD ummmm ok.]

Marcus had been sky diving but they had overshot it by a ton and landed with his parasute(sp) in the city on a road.

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai jumped raising his brow at Marcus

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: [sorry jewno was bein evils >.<]

Jude jumps t3en walks over to Marcus, "3ey you ok?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai walks over as well.

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: Marcus blinked and nodded, "Yeah just over shot the landing by a ton." He said with a British accent

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "define a ton"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude c3uckles, "Wow mate 3ow'd you manage t3at?"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: Marcus, "Strong winds and a few helacopters."

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Very nice your from London?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "k then"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: Marcus, "Yes i was."

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "were about to go party ya wanna join us?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: [woo gave up imma deal wif teh h :D]

Jude nods, "Me two and hold your damned horses Nikolai"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: Marcus chukled

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woo xD]

Nikolai chuckled "i was just inviting him god"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "you should come guy I don't know" he says to Marcus

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "yes yes he should"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: Marcus, "I'm Marcus and ummm sure."

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "woo awesome"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Am not making fun of you, Max." She smiled.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Well awesome then lets go party"

Max smiles back, "Good thing two or I'd have to kill you

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "lets go"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles nodding, "Lead the way"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "we could party at my mansion" he giggled dragging them to his home.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back nodding, "You live here? Wow this is nice"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "yep worked sorta hard for it"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "What do you do?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "sell drugs easy money and you get alot"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude, "Thats really all that you do?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "yep thats all i do"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude, "Thats amazing"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiles "it helps that i dont use the drugs i just sell em ya want a cut of the profit? you could have your home like this"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "What would I have to do?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "just do what i do just sell"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "Is it hard to sell?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shook his head "not in this town its super easy"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude, "But I don't know anyone other then you max and lucy"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "sell to strangers i do"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "I guess I could try it"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "alright so what do ya wanna sell?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "Whatevers the easiest to sell"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai opened a safe pulling out a cigar box "there are 50 packets of pot its the easiest to sell and cheapest to get so you can sell more"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods taking the box, "Alright then thank you"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "welcome"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods, smiling back, "So we gonna party or just stand here?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "of course how do ya wanna party?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Got anything to drink?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "I have vodka, beer, wine, whats your poison i should ask?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "I'll have a beer thank you"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded getting Jude a beer and a vodka for himself

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Thanks mate" he drinks the beer quickly

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled back "thirsty?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "That and I feel like getting wasted"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled getting some more beer "alright then"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smils back, "Thanks mate"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "welcome"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, starting to get drunk as he drinks another beer

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai sips his drink chuckling.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles and leans on Nikolai a little bit, "This is fun"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled holding him up "hell yea it is"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, drinking his beer then giggles, "Hey mate I'll pay ya fifty if you let me suck ya"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "sure"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Where's your room?" he asks smiling brightly

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled leading him to his room

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, looking excited, he pulls out his wallet and gives Nikolai a $50 before dropping to his knees and doing some stuffs >.>

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai panted heavily "wow that was good"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles and yawns, "Yea it was"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled chuckling "sleepy time"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude has already fallen asleep curled up to Nikolai

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled falling asleep as well.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude wakes up the next morning with a splitting headache, "ugh what happend?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai yawned stretching "that was amazing last night"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude rubs his head, "What was ama--" he stops, "Wait...did we...we didn't...did we?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai sat up leaning against the headboard nodding "yea we did"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude, "Oh...shit mate I'm sorry" he chuckles, "I just kinda get horny when I drink"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "dont be i enjoyed it"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "did i at least pay you?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "yea fifty bucks" he chuckled

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude, "Oh" he blushes

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "what?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "I shoulda paid you more"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "nah fifty was fine"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "You got any pain reliever?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai got up going into his bathroom getting some aspirin coming back handing it to Jude "and just think if it doesnt pan out selling drugs you'd make a great prostitute" he chuckled.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude blushes and nods, taking the asprin, "Thanks I think"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled lightly "welcome"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Am too cute to kill, Max." Summer chuckled as she flicked the ash in the ashtray

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles a little, great my options in america are sell drugs or sell myself he drops his smile, "Ok I'm...I'm gonna go home k?"

Max smiles, "True damn"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled back nodding "alright"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude nods, gathering his clothes and dressing, "See ya" he says and leaves quickly

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "bye bye"

Rei left from Garnet's going for a walk.

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude sighs as he walks, he was ashamed by what he had done with Nikolai last night and was very troubled by what he had said about being a prostitute

Max smiles back, "Well thanks for an awesome date"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled as she put out her citg."Your welcome"

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: [What I miss??]

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [err nikolai and jude got drunk XD]

Rei gently rubbed his arm as he walked.

2010-08-13 [WASHACKED]: [xD ok where those the people Marcus was with?]

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [yep XD nikolai is up and jude just left :D]

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude aciddently walks into Rei, "Oh sorry mate"

Max smiles back, "Want me to walk you home?"

2010-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei jumped "its ok"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I'd like that." She smiled

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Jude helps him up, "Sorry had a rough night"

Max smiles back, "Alright lets go"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded as she stood up and she started to walk out the cafe

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles, walkikng close to her, "I'll dream of you tonight"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled as she walked."And what kind of dream will be?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Oh something involving silk sheets and you naked I'm sure"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer laughed as she blushes."But of course silk sheets."

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Whats wrong with good old silk sheets?"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Nothing other than you slide all over the place."

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max chuckles, "oh yeah i could see that"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled and nodded."Yeah I know"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max stops outside of her home, "Well...goodnight summer.."

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled at him as she stands at her door step."Night Max. I do hope I get to see you again."

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "I've got another 3 days maybe we could err get to know each other better before I go"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."I'd like that very much, Max."

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "So would I" come on max kiss her or something she'll think your not interested he bites his lip a little then lightly kisses her

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer's eyes widend in suprise but she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles softly and keeps kissing her closing his eyes

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer wrapped her arms around his neck as she kisses him back.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max shivers, running his tongue lightly over her lips, not really noticing as he grows hard from being so close to Summer

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer shivered lightly as he runs his tongue along her lips, she parted her lips a little.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles, sliping his tongue gently into her mouth

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer rubbed her tongue to his gently.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max moans softly then reluctently pulls away, panting softly, he blushes furiously, seeing the large tent in his pants

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was panting softly, blushing like crazy, she smiled at him as she put her hands behind her back. She didn't even notice the large tent in his pants.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max blushes also, "Wow that was amazing" he smiles back, crossing his legs a little to try and conceal the tent

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."Yeah it was."

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "Ummm...k I know this is going to make me look really really perverted you think we could...ya know...tonight?"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled a little."You want me to pop your cherry?"

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max blushes and nods, "Yeah"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled and took his hand, she walked into her apartment building with him and to her front door. She unlocked the door and walked into her apartment with him.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, walking kind of awkward due to his excitement, "wow...this place is nice"

2010-08-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."Thanks." She closed the front door.

2010-08-13 [wolvie]: Max smiles back and gulps a little kinda nervous, he wasn't really sure what to do

2010-08-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer took his hand again and she walked with him to her bedroom.

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Max smiles brightly walking with her, "your room is beautiful" he says and sits on the bed

2010-08-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."Thank you."

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Max smiles back and nods, "So ummm..what do we do?"

2010-08-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled softly as she sat next to him on the bed, she leaned over and kissed him.

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Max smiles, kissing her back then doing some stuffs >.> Awhile later he lays next to her panting heavilly and smiling brightly

2010-08-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was panting heavily.

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Was that good for you?"

2010-08-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."Yeah it was. So how dose it feel to no longer be a virgin?"

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "It was amazing its an awesome feeling" he kisses her lightly
[you wanna make a story or no? tis up to you :D]

2010-08-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled and kisses him back.

[I don't mind, hun XD]

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Max yawns, "I think I love you Summer" he says then blushes

[me either xD]

2010-08-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer blinked for a good mintue.

[ Nice XD]

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Max smiles softly, "Sorry"

[i'll do it :D]

2010-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei nodded "what happened?"

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Jude frowns then tells Rei everything, "And it wouldn't have bothered me other then Nikolai saying if I fail as a drug dealer I'd be a good is that all I'm good for is selling myself? I dunno it's jut kinda bothering me"

2010-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei smiled "Dont mind nikolai for him that is a compliment he means well by it sorry if he came across different than that"

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Jude nods a little, "Yeah I guess I just don't understand you american's sometimes"

2010-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei smiled "its just nikolai he's a bit off"

2010-08-14 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back then nods, "Yeah i'll have to remember that"

Lucy somehow manages to walk right into Marcus

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